:: coming up for air ::  

Posted by Hyllma

lamanya x blog. ya Allah, berabuknya blog ni. amat2 bz, thank God now it's the school holidays, so I have time to catch my breath.

two days ago, aku g tgk bdk2 debate. konon2 nak cuti dr jaga debate for a year, which includes x nk g tgk debate hksbp. tp when it's held in ssp, which is within travelling distance (read: bullying my sister into driving me there), kaki rasa gatal je nak pegi. i can't help it. i love watching debates. thn ni diorg tukar format. instead of giving out the actual motions, thn ni diorg bg themes jek. the actual motion will be released one hour prior to the actual debate. and cikgu xleh join masa quarantine time.

tp aku sempat tgk satu debate jek. itu pun pegi dh petang. (sbb driver sibuk g wedding kawan dia). but from what i see, the boys are good. much better than last year.

semlm x dpt pegi. sbb aku g midvalley beli laptop. kenapa x beli kat low yat? sbb aku nk gak cap 'dell' kat laptop nih. laptop lama dah seberang laut, kat bandung. so terpaksa beli baru sbb susah nk wat keje kalo harap pc skola yg dh nak jadi tukun n pinjam laptop org lain (sbb org lain pun byk keje gak). so at last dpt gak laptop kaler merah (cos it was a toss between red n black, and i went for red)

in the morning, saser went into d quarterfinal (tp x ingat lwn siapa), n won. and dana got best speaker. in the semis, jumpa ssp. tapi kalah. so x dpt la kitorg dok stage picc thn nih. (we were so close, tp xde rezeki, nak buat camane). in a way, i'm proud that my alma mater won. tp sedih sbb my boys kalah. takpe, cuba tahun depan.

jap lagi nak kena mengadap test paper yang dok memanggil2 dari minggu lepas nih. tapi Tuhan je tau betapa malasnya aku nk gerak (tp time dok depan laptop ni rajin pulak, kan? pelik...)

pasni kalendar makin sibuk. ada latihan pusat hoki, pastu hoki sbp (kat bkt jalil), then program utk form 5....mcm2 lagi. nama pun dok kat saser. nak wat camne, work keeps me alive, and gives me purpose.


ckp pasal saser, ex students skrg semua sibuk dgn protes nak tukar nama saser. i understand their sentiments. ya la, tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat bermain. banyak yg kami belajar dari bumi saser nih. dari sekolah buruk yg sdar tinggalkan, cikgu 16 org je (kalau tak silap), pc kat skolah ada 4 je..dgn bekalan air yang kdg2 xde...dan mcm2 masalah lagi. semua kitorg redah je.

that's why aku kengkadang marah bila bebudak batch sekarang ni mcm x appreciate apa yang abang senior diorang buat untuk letakkan saser kat tahap sekarang ni. diorang yang cipta sejarah. korang tumpang nama je, sebenarnya. korang belum cipta sejarah sendiri lagi. so jangan nak banyak cengkadak complain mcm2 pasal skola. skola takde aircond, xleh main playstation, dan mcm2 lagi. apa? korang ingat saser ni hotel ke boleh live in such comfort? nama pun skola asrama. mcm mana nak belaja idup dalam dunia serba mencabar kalau x lepas idup kat saser?

aku sayang saser. tapi kalau the powers that be decree that saser kena tukar nama, aku ikut je. bukan sebab aku x sayang saser, atau xnak fight untuk kekalkan nama saser, tp sebab 'saya yang menurut perintah'. lagipun, yang penting bukannya nama. yang penting, all of us work hard to make sure our school come out tops. mcm shakespeare kata, "a rose by any other name is just as sweet...."

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .